The Detonator Analysis Tool (DAT) is designed to quickly diagnose detonators in IEDs and provide the EOD operator with information that will influence the render safe procedure. It is designed for conventional EOD use on low voltage firing systems. (United States National Electrical Code rating of under 600 V) The DAT analyzes the detonator leads and provides a suggestion congruent with standard Detonator Diagnostic Truth Tables.


ONE: Detonator Analysis Tool (DAT)

Note: The Detonator Analysis Tool analyzes the detonator leads and provides a suggestion congruent with standard Detonator Diagnostic Truth Tables. It is up to the operator to determine if the suggested solution is valid through threat analysis and thoughtful interrogation of all factors of the IED. Detonator Diagnostic Truth Tables are not without flaw, and should never be considered the last word in EOD operations.


  • Compact size
  • Simple LED solution
  • Dual gender banana jack test leads
  • Self test mode
  • Compatible with WASPP test probes
  • Operates on 4 AAA batteries
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